3,401 - 3,600
Prof. Sir Andrew Haines London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine
Dr. Michelle Casper-Taylor University of Leeds
Prof. Johanna Hoog University of Gothenburg
Dr. Heather Prentice Kaiser Permanente
Ms. Julie Cusack Drexel University Dornslife School of Public Health
Mrs. Christiane Gunther Roche Pharma
Dr. Ana Langer Harvard T. H. Chan School of Public Health
Ms. Molly Remch University of North Carolina
MD Jose Miguel Guimarães CHUSJ (Centro Hospitalar Universitàrio S. João) Porto
Dr. Ricki Lewis Albany Medical College
Dr Gopal Ashish Sharma Indira Gandhi Medical College, Shimla
Licenced Psychologist/cand.psychol Elisabeth Oevrum Helse Fonna
Miss Katerina Cheliotis Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine
Dr Claire McCue NHS
Dr Lisa Rampersad Brighton and Sussex university HOSPITALS
Prof. Payman Salamati Tehran University of Medical Sciences
Prof. Dr. Andrea Burden ETH Zurich
Dr. Alberto Fomingo Videla Universidad Nacional del Comahue, Argentina
Mrs Pamela Thornton ZOLL
Dr. Susanne Kraemer Private Practice
Dr. Katherine I. Young New Mexico State University
Mr Graham Wickham Providence Healthcare
Professor of Molecular and Cell Biology, Regents Professor Michele Nishiguchi University of California, Merced
Dr. Louis du Plessis University of Oxford
Dr. Jade Candy Canterbury District Health Board
Dr. Sarah Andrea Rhode Island Hospital
Dr. Sharon Meyer California Pacific Medical Center; Sutter Health
Ms Christina Dahlgren SaveSwedenCov19
Dr Siri Ann Mauseth Norwegian University of Technology (NTNU)
Mr Howard Seaton Rye College
Dr James Boswell University of Sheffield International College
Dr. Jennifer Curtiss New Mexico State University
Dr Wojciech Soltys Voivodal Specialistic Hospital nr 4 in Bytom
Dr Barbara Farquharson University of Stirling
Dr Frank Grune Erasmus MC
Ms Gemma Lockyer Hampshire Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust
Dr. Luis Calero Kliniken der Stadt Koln
Mr. Michael Meudtner St. Georg Klinikum Eisenach
Prof. Dr. David McQueen Retired CDC, Atlanta
Dr Robert Hess Forum for Shared Governance
Prof Dorothee Huchon Tel-Aviv University
Dr Gemma Sharp University of Bristol
Prof Stewart Mercer University of Edinburgh
Mr. Terry Trent Trent Associates
Dr. Robert Strang Department of Health and Wellness
Mr. Simon Sloan Lancaster University
Dr. Mathias P. Hartel Praxis for Pneumology, Tauberbischofsheim, Baden-Wurttemberg, Germany
Dr Jan Zdenkowski Lipinski University - Kielce, Poland
Dr. Claire Bloom Massachusetts General Hospital, Harvard Medical School
Dr Daphne Teh Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
Dr. Valentina Vecchio University of Manchester
Dr Tom Koczian NHS
Ms. Patricia Alessandrini B.C.G.P.
Dr. Ricardo Acosta Hospital Angeles Torreon
Dr Aditya Narkar NHS
Dr Joanna Wilde Private Practice
Dr Susan Joseph King's College London
Dr Amy Barnes University of Sheffield
Dr. Finn Nilson Karlstad University
Dr Helen Price Keele University
Prof. Dr. Christian Meyer Institute of Tropical Meicine, University of Tubeingen, Germany
Dr. Donal Duffin NHS
Dr Steven Oliver University of York and the Hull York Medical School
Prof Damien Ridge University of Westminster
Prof. Maria Margarida Moutinho Girão de Oliveira ITQB NOVA (Instituto de Tecnologia Quimica e Biologica, Universidade Nova de Lisboa) and GREEN-IT research Unit (Bioresources for Sustainability Research Unit) - PORTUGAL
Ms. Mariah Hanlin University of Guelph undergraduate microbiology student
Mr Ryan Cook University of Nottingham
Dr Claire Nelson NHS GGC
Dr. Marc Redmile-Gordon RHS
Dr. Manuel Jose De los Santos Patricio Ministerio de Educacion de Rep. Dominicana
Dr Alexandrea Jubb NHS General Practitioner
Professor Emeritus Wayne Taylor McMaster University
Dr Alessandro Ammar University of Bologna
Dr. Gerardo Alvarez-Hernandez Universidad de Sonora
Prof. of Endocrinology and Metabolism Vincenzo Trischitta Sapienza University of Rome, Rome (I)
Mrs Bodil Haheim Bergen kommune
Dr Ignacio Marin-Leon Fundation Enebro. Seville. Spain
Dr Pedro Castellanos Superintendencia de Salud (SISALRIL)
Dr. Marius Svanevik Vestfold Hospital Trust
Prof Kate Hunt University of Stirling
Dr Rebecca Erfani Royal Australian College of General Practitioners
Dr. Bhushan Kapur Canada
Professor Lina Vera Universidad Industrial de Santander
Miss Eve Matthews University of York
Professor Mary Haan University of California San Francisco
Dr Hina Syed Bartshealth NHS Trust
Dr. Andrea Settje Nebraska Internal Medicine
Mr. Michael Friedman American International College of Arts and Sciences/AUA
Dr. Ann Thuvander European Chemicals Agency, Helsinki
Dr. Lukasz Balwicki Medical University of Gdansk
Prof. Lauro Ferreira da Silva Pinto Neto EMESCAM - Santa Casa de Vitoria, Brasil
Dr. Lingxiao Chen Institute of Bone and Joint Research, Kolling Institute, Sydney Medical School, Faculty of Medicine and Health, University of Sydney
Professor Kathryn Hanley New Mexico State University
Dr. Ole Bjoern Kittang Soerlandet hospital trust
Dr. Brandt Newcomer Apotex
Prof HOCINE CHERIFI University of Burgundy
Associate Professor David Ardell University of California, Merced
Psychotherapist, Researcher and Lecturer John Wheeler Surrey Counselling Training
Prof. Davidson Hamer Boston University School of Public Health
Dr. med. Samuel Iff University Bern
Dr Garth Wilkinson Retired
Prof Amanda C de C Williams University College London
Dr Peter Balfe University of Oxford
Dr Rafael de jesus Montero de Oleo Universidad Autonoma de santo domingo
Dr Jean-Christophe PAQUET GroupeHospitalierNordEssonne
Dr Julieta Galante University of Cambridge
Prof. Ralf Reintjes Professor for Epidemiology and Public Health Surveillance, Hamburg University of Applied Sciences, Hamburg, Germany
Mr. Tone Hoff Almenning Forskerforbundet
Dr. Jose Pocas CHS HSB EPE Setubal à‡Portugal
Mrs Magdalen Wind-Mozley PPI for Oxford Vaccine Group & BRC
Mr. Raymond Funke Campo-Remo
Dr Hanne Clausen Private Practice
Dr. Marcelo Losso Hospital JM Ramos Mejia
Dr Anna Rom NHS
Dr. Manuel Schmid University Hospital of Zurich
Dr. Christophe de Bezenac Universerty of Liverpool
Dr Felix Gille ETH Zurich
Dr. Leigh Hopkins St Lukes Physician Group
Dr. Ian Goodman Baystate Health
Mr Andrew Acheampong NHS
MD, PhD Hitoshi Sumida Heisei Tohya Hospital
Mr Mark O'Leary Royal Marsden NHS Trust
Dr Margaret Buckham Nepean Hospital Sabine Hackenberg General Practitioner
Professor Irene Petersen UCL
Prof. Christine Goffinet Charite Berlin, Germany
Dr Selcuk Ursel OsmanoÄŸlu hospital
Dr Gillian Ross Royal Marsden NHS Trust/Honorary Senior lecturer,ICR
Ir Francoise Heine Private Chemical company
Dr. Rachel Hoopsick University at Buffalo
Dr Jeremy Baily Gibson Finchampstead Surgery
Associate professor Marcus Carlsson Lund University
Dr. Nicola Terceira Physician
Dr. Maribel Gray Retired
Prof. Guglielmo Trovato University of Catania & European Medical Association
Prof. Dr Pinar Okyay Aydin Adnan Menderes University Faculty of Medicine
Dr Rashid Nawaz Rathore University of York
Sra Yara Maria Koneski de Abreu Medica
Professor of Epidemiology Ben Cooper University of Oxford
Dr., Associate Professor of Anesthesia & Intensive Care Medicine Mats Eriksson Uppsala University, Uppsala, Sweden
Dr. Elizabeth Widen University of Texas at Austin
Dr. Laura Ritchie Hamilton Health Sciences, Hamilton, Ontario, Canada
Ms. Amy Hunsicker Sustainable Assets Alliance
Prof Wendy Wills University of Hertfordshire
Dr (comp sci). Jane Kenselly United IT Care
Dr. Kieran Lynch Industry/Medical devices
Dr. John-Marin Lowe University of Nebraska Medical Center
Prof. Carlos del Rio Emory University
Dr. Itamar Netzer Israel Ministry of Health
Dr. Matthew Burnstein Occupational Health
Ms. Anu Ann Viji University of York
Prof. Paolo Toniolo Centro Medico Santagostino, Milano, Italy
Prof. Ofra Kalter-Leibovici The Gertner Institute for Epidemiology & Health Policy Research, Sheba Medical Center, Israel
Dr. Alison Gale General Practitioner, UK
Dr. Danielle Scheurer Medical University of South Carolina
Prof. em. Jacques Diezi University if Lausanne, Switzerland
Dr Lande Vieira da Silva Jr IFSUL Pelotas RS
RN, Street Nurse, C.M. Cathy Crowe Ryerson University
Prof Vivian Ho Rice University and Baylor College of Medicine
Dr Sarah Borwein Hong Kong
Prof. Bertil Forsberg Umea University
Dr. Robert Gellibolian CellectGen, Inc.
Prof. Gernot Erbst University of Oslo, Norway
Dr Ana Lebreiro Hospital São João
Dr. Leena Johnson Arakkal University of York
Dr Grace Roberts Queens University Belfast
Dr Joel Miller La Trobe University
Mr. Christian Erdmann FH Muenster University of Applied Sciences
Dr Zoe Stewart University of Leicester
Dr. Ranjit Sah Institute of Medicine, Tribhuvan University Teaching Hospital, Kathmandu, Nepal
Dr. Usa Hidmark DKFZ, Heidelberg, Germany
Mrs Joanne Callaghan Manchester Academy if Fine Art
Dr. Kristina Schauer Ludwig-Maximilians-University Munich
Dr Sara Barton Salford Royal NHS Foundation Trust
Dr Huw Evans Dorset County Hospital
Ms. Sara Faust Guten Tag Apotheke
Dr Joanna Sherratt-Wyer Somers Medical Services Ltd
Prof. Philippe Amouyel Lille University/Inserm/Lille University hospital/Institut Pasteur de Lille
Dr. Erez Garty The Davidson Institute of Science Education
Dr Oscar MacLean MRC-University of Glasgow Centre for Virus Research
Dr Selma Jeronimo Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte - UFRN
Professor Tamsin Jane Ford University of Cambridge
Dr Jerry Koliha University of Melbourne
Dr Isaac Arbelaez Universidad Javeriana Cali
Dr. Hans-Jurgen Kammler Federal Institute for Drugs and Medical Devices
Prof. Rebecca Hoyle University of Southampton
Dr Huub Gelderblom Fred Hutch
Dr Paul Beers University of Derby
Dr Alan Blair DCHS FT
Dr Belkys Marcelino Universidad Autonoma de Santo Domingo
Dr. med. Dennis Humburg University Hospital Marburg, Germany
Dr Rebecca Lee University of Manchester
Dr Mario Picozza Santa Lucia Foundation
Ms Alexis An Yee Low University College London
Dr Louisiana Lush Euro Health Group
Dr. Carolina Glaser Medica Cardiologa en Sanatorio Allende y Qenti Medical, Cordoba, Argentina
Mr. Matthias Schulte Technische Universitat Dortmund
Prof. Erica Bowen University of Worcester
Dr. Susan Duderstadt Fulton Science Academy (Current); Former CDC Contractor with Logistics Health Incorporated
Professor Gilbert Deray Hopital Pitie Salpetriere
Dr. Michelle Casper-Taylor University of Leeds
Prof. Johanna Hoog University of Gothenburg
Dr. Heather Prentice Kaiser Permanente
Ms. Julie Cusack Drexel University Dornslife School of Public Health
Mrs. Christiane Gunther Roche Pharma
Dr. Ana Langer Harvard T. H. Chan School of Public Health
Ms. Molly Remch University of North Carolina
MD Jose Miguel Guimarães CHUSJ (Centro Hospitalar Universitàrio S. João) Porto
Dr. Ricki Lewis Albany Medical College
Dr Gopal Ashish Sharma Indira Gandhi Medical College, Shimla
Licenced Psychologist/cand.psychol Elisabeth Oevrum Helse Fonna
Miss Katerina Cheliotis Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine
Dr Claire McCue NHS
Dr Lisa Rampersad Brighton and Sussex university HOSPITALS
Prof. Payman Salamati Tehran University of Medical Sciences
Prof. Dr. Andrea Burden ETH Zurich
Dr. Alberto Fomingo Videla Universidad Nacional del Comahue, Argentina
Mrs Pamela Thornton ZOLL
Dr. Susanne Kraemer Private Practice
Dr. Katherine I. Young New Mexico State University
Mr Graham Wickham Providence Healthcare
Professor of Molecular and Cell Biology, Regents Professor Michele Nishiguchi University of California, Merced
Dr. Louis du Plessis University of Oxford
Dr. Jade Candy Canterbury District Health Board
Dr. Sarah Andrea Rhode Island Hospital
Dr. Sharon Meyer California Pacific Medical Center; Sutter Health
Ms Christina Dahlgren SaveSwedenCov19
Dr Siri Ann Mauseth Norwegian University of Technology (NTNU)
Mr Howard Seaton Rye College
Dr James Boswell University of Sheffield International College
Dr. Jennifer Curtiss New Mexico State University
Dr Wojciech Soltys Voivodal Specialistic Hospital nr 4 in Bytom
Dr Barbara Farquharson University of Stirling
Dr Frank Grune Erasmus MC
Ms Gemma Lockyer Hampshire Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust
Dr. Luis Calero Kliniken der Stadt Koln
Mr. Michael Meudtner St. Georg Klinikum Eisenach
Prof. Dr. David McQueen Retired CDC, Atlanta
Dr Robert Hess Forum for Shared Governance
Prof Dorothee Huchon Tel-Aviv University
Dr Gemma Sharp University of Bristol
Prof Stewart Mercer University of Edinburgh
Mr. Terry Trent Trent Associates
Dr. Robert Strang Department of Health and Wellness
Mr. Simon Sloan Lancaster University
Dr. Mathias P. Hartel Praxis for Pneumology, Tauberbischofsheim, Baden-Wurttemberg, Germany
Dr Jan Zdenkowski Lipinski University - Kielce, Poland
Dr. Claire Bloom Massachusetts General Hospital, Harvard Medical School
Dr Daphne Teh Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
Dr. Valentina Vecchio University of Manchester
Dr Tom Koczian NHS
Ms. Patricia Alessandrini B.C.G.P.
Dr. Ricardo Acosta Hospital Angeles Torreon
Dr Aditya Narkar NHS
Dr Joanna Wilde Private Practice
Dr Susan Joseph King's College London
Dr Amy Barnes University of Sheffield
Dr. Finn Nilson Karlstad University
Dr Helen Price Keele University
Prof. Dr. Christian Meyer Institute of Tropical Meicine, University of Tubeingen, Germany
Dr. Donal Duffin NHS
Dr Steven Oliver University of York and the Hull York Medical School
Prof Damien Ridge University of Westminster
Prof. Maria Margarida Moutinho Girão de Oliveira ITQB NOVA (Instituto de Tecnologia Quimica e Biologica, Universidade Nova de Lisboa) and GREEN-IT research Unit (Bioresources for Sustainability Research Unit) - PORTUGAL
Ms. Mariah Hanlin University of Guelph undergraduate microbiology student
Mr Ryan Cook University of Nottingham
Dr Claire Nelson NHS GGC
Dr. Marc Redmile-Gordon RHS
Dr. Manuel Jose De los Santos Patricio Ministerio de Educacion de Rep. Dominicana
Dr Alexandrea Jubb NHS General Practitioner
Professor Emeritus Wayne Taylor McMaster University
Dr Alessandro Ammar University of Bologna
Dr. Gerardo Alvarez-Hernandez Universidad de Sonora
Prof. of Endocrinology and Metabolism Vincenzo Trischitta Sapienza University of Rome, Rome (I)
Mrs Bodil Haheim Bergen kommune
Dr Ignacio Marin-Leon Fundation Enebro. Seville. Spain
Dr Pedro Castellanos Superintendencia de Salud (SISALRIL)
Dr. Marius Svanevik Vestfold Hospital Trust
Prof Kate Hunt University of Stirling
Dr Rebecca Erfani Royal Australian College of General Practitioners
Dr. Bhushan Kapur Canada
Professor Lina Vera Universidad Industrial de Santander
Miss Eve Matthews University of York
Professor Mary Haan University of California San Francisco
Dr Hina Syed Bartshealth NHS Trust
Dr. Andrea Settje Nebraska Internal Medicine
Mr. Michael Friedman American International College of Arts and Sciences/AUA
Dr. Ann Thuvander European Chemicals Agency, Helsinki
Dr. Lukasz Balwicki Medical University of Gdansk
Prof. Lauro Ferreira da Silva Pinto Neto EMESCAM - Santa Casa de Vitoria, Brasil
Dr. Lingxiao Chen Institute of Bone and Joint Research, Kolling Institute, Sydney Medical School, Faculty of Medicine and Health, University of Sydney
Professor Kathryn Hanley New Mexico State University
Dr. Ole Bjoern Kittang Soerlandet hospital trust
Dr. Brandt Newcomer Apotex
Prof HOCINE CHERIFI University of Burgundy
Associate Professor David Ardell University of California, Merced
Psychotherapist, Researcher and Lecturer John Wheeler Surrey Counselling Training
Prof. Davidson Hamer Boston University School of Public Health
Dr. med. Samuel Iff University Bern
Dr Garth Wilkinson Retired
Prof Amanda C de C Williams University College London
Dr Peter Balfe University of Oxford
Dr Rafael de jesus Montero de Oleo Universidad Autonoma de santo domingo
Dr Jean-Christophe PAQUET GroupeHospitalierNordEssonne
Dr Julieta Galante University of Cambridge
Prof. Ralf Reintjes Professor for Epidemiology and Public Health Surveillance, Hamburg University of Applied Sciences, Hamburg, Germany
Mr. Tone Hoff Almenning Forskerforbundet
Dr. Jose Pocas CHS HSB EPE Setubal à‡Portugal
Mrs Magdalen Wind-Mozley PPI for Oxford Vaccine Group & BRC
Mr. Raymond Funke Campo-Remo
Dr Hanne Clausen Private Practice
Dr. Marcelo Losso Hospital JM Ramos Mejia
Dr Anna Rom NHS
Dr. Manuel Schmid University Hospital of Zurich
Dr. Christophe de Bezenac Universerty of Liverpool
Dr Felix Gille ETH Zurich
Dr. Leigh Hopkins St Lukes Physician Group
Dr. Ian Goodman Baystate Health
Mr Andrew Acheampong NHS
MD, PhD Hitoshi Sumida Heisei Tohya Hospital
Mr Mark O'Leary Royal Marsden NHS Trust
Dr Margaret Buckham Nepean Hospital Sabine Hackenberg General Practitioner
Professor Irene Petersen UCL
Prof. Christine Goffinet Charite Berlin, Germany
Dr Selcuk Ursel OsmanoÄŸlu hospital
Dr Gillian Ross Royal Marsden NHS Trust/Honorary Senior lecturer,ICR
Ir Francoise Heine Private Chemical company
Dr. Rachel Hoopsick University at Buffalo
Dr Jeremy Baily Gibson Finchampstead Surgery
Associate professor Marcus Carlsson Lund University
Dr. Nicola Terceira Physician
Dr. Maribel Gray Retired
Prof. Guglielmo Trovato University of Catania & European Medical Association
Prof. Dr Pinar Okyay Aydin Adnan Menderes University Faculty of Medicine
Dr Rashid Nawaz Rathore University of York
Sra Yara Maria Koneski de Abreu Medica
Professor of Epidemiology Ben Cooper University of Oxford
Dr., Associate Professor of Anesthesia & Intensive Care Medicine Mats Eriksson Uppsala University, Uppsala, Sweden
Dr. Elizabeth Widen University of Texas at Austin
Dr. Laura Ritchie Hamilton Health Sciences, Hamilton, Ontario, Canada
Ms. Amy Hunsicker Sustainable Assets Alliance
Prof Wendy Wills University of Hertfordshire
Dr (comp sci). Jane Kenselly United IT Care
Dr. Kieran Lynch Industry/Medical devices
Dr. John-Marin Lowe University of Nebraska Medical Center
Prof. Carlos del Rio Emory University
Dr. Itamar Netzer Israel Ministry of Health
Dr. Matthew Burnstein Occupational Health
Ms. Anu Ann Viji University of York
Prof. Paolo Toniolo Centro Medico Santagostino, Milano, Italy
Prof. Ofra Kalter-Leibovici The Gertner Institute for Epidemiology & Health Policy Research, Sheba Medical Center, Israel
Dr. Alison Gale General Practitioner, UK
Dr. Danielle Scheurer Medical University of South Carolina
Prof. em. Jacques Diezi University if Lausanne, Switzerland
Dr Lande Vieira da Silva Jr IFSUL Pelotas RS
RN, Street Nurse, C.M. Cathy Crowe Ryerson University
Prof Vivian Ho Rice University and Baylor College of Medicine
Dr Sarah Borwein Hong Kong
Prof. Bertil Forsberg Umea University
Dr. Robert Gellibolian CellectGen, Inc.
Prof. Gernot Erbst University of Oslo, Norway
Dr Ana Lebreiro Hospital São João
Dr. Leena Johnson Arakkal University of York
Dr Grace Roberts Queens University Belfast
Dr Joel Miller La Trobe University
Mr. Christian Erdmann FH Muenster University of Applied Sciences
Dr Zoe Stewart University of Leicester
Dr. Ranjit Sah Institute of Medicine, Tribhuvan University Teaching Hospital, Kathmandu, Nepal
Dr. Usa Hidmark DKFZ, Heidelberg, Germany
Mrs Joanne Callaghan Manchester Academy if Fine Art
Dr. Kristina Schauer Ludwig-Maximilians-University Munich
Dr Sara Barton Salford Royal NHS Foundation Trust
Dr Huw Evans Dorset County Hospital
Ms. Sara Faust Guten Tag Apotheke
Dr Joanna Sherratt-Wyer Somers Medical Services Ltd
Prof. Philippe Amouyel Lille University/Inserm/Lille University hospital/Institut Pasteur de Lille
Dr. Erez Garty The Davidson Institute of Science Education
Dr Oscar MacLean MRC-University of Glasgow Centre for Virus Research
Dr Selma Jeronimo Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte - UFRN
Professor Tamsin Jane Ford University of Cambridge
Dr Jerry Koliha University of Melbourne
Dr Isaac Arbelaez Universidad Javeriana Cali
Dr. Hans-Jurgen Kammler Federal Institute for Drugs and Medical Devices
Prof. Rebecca Hoyle University of Southampton
Dr Huub Gelderblom Fred Hutch
Dr Paul Beers University of Derby
Dr Alan Blair DCHS FT
Dr Belkys Marcelino Universidad Autonoma de Santo Domingo
Dr. med. Dennis Humburg University Hospital Marburg, Germany
Dr Rebecca Lee University of Manchester
Dr Mario Picozza Santa Lucia Foundation
Ms Alexis An Yee Low University College London
Dr Louisiana Lush Euro Health Group
Dr. Carolina Glaser Medica Cardiologa en Sanatorio Allende y Qenti Medical, Cordoba, Argentina
Mr. Matthias Schulte Technische Universitat Dortmund
Prof. Erica Bowen University of Worcester
Dr. Susan Duderstadt Fulton Science Academy (Current); Former CDC Contractor with Logistics Health Incorporated
Professor Gilbert Deray Hopital Pitie Salpetriere
3,601 - 3,800