1,801 - 2,000
Dr. Geoffrey Kraemer St. Thomas Elgin General Hospital
Senior Lecturer in Epidemiology, MSc, PhD Luisa Zuccolo MRC Integrative Epidemiology Unit, University of Bristol
Mr Benjamin Jones Stockholm University
Emeritus Professor Ghent University Belgium Ronald Commers Ghent University Belgium
Prof. Colin Davis University of Bristol
Dr Charles Hesdorffer NIH/NHLBI
Mr Dragan Todorovic Kent University
Dr. Preston Bobo Environmental Management, Inc.
Dr. Jonathan Dworkin University of Hawaii
Ms Tracey Broad Cornwall Partnership Foundation Trust
Dr Chiara Di Girolamo Health and Social Care Agency, Emilia-Romagna Region (Italy)
Dr. Leighland Feinman
Dr. George Heckman Schlegel-University of Waterloo Research Institute for Aging
Dr. Jon Vander Woude Trinity Christian College
Dr. Danilo Davi ASP Palermo
Dr Graham Kramer NHS GP
Dr Keith Williams Retired
Dr. Jonathan Davids DriverCheck Inc.
Dr Roberto Hernan SenCell Therapeutics
Dr David Tomlinson University Hospitals Plymouth NHS Trust
Prof. Alison L. Hill Johns Hopkins University
Dr Marija Pantelic University of Sussex
Dr Eva Glud Nordsjællands Hospital, Hillerød
Prof. Dr Ligia Vera UMECIT
Ms. Sarah Weischer Radboudumc, Netherlands
Ms. Marcelo Alves de Souza Bragatte UFRGS
Professor of Hygiene and Preventive Medicine Stefania Boccia UCSC
Dr. Cheryl P. Andam University at Albany, State University of New York
Dr Birgitta Byrenius Mellstrom Sophiahemmet
Ms. Cristina Radu Nicolae Malaxa Hospital
Dr. Judith Lipton Meadowland
Mr. Wolfgang Horak WHMC
Ms Eleanor Furness Aberystwyth University
Mr. Wim Schellekens Strategic advisor, member RedTeam The Netherlands
Dr Tiffany Powell-Wiley National Institutes of Health
Dr. Gary Christenson University of Minnesota
Dr Ana Howarth St George's, University of London
Dr Lorcan Sheppard Healthcare Management Trust
Dr. Siro Trevisanato Sum-Mus Communications
Dr. Amedeo Guzzardella Universite degli Studi di Milano
Mr. Christopher Hennes Emery County EMS
Mrs Katrina Snow North York General
Dr Sarah Horsman Sheldon Centre
Associate Professor Danielle Ompad New York University School of Global Public Health
Dr. Alan Drummond Canadian Association of Emergency Physicians
Professor Emma Allen-Vercoe University of Guelph
Prof. Mag. Dr. MAS Helmut Geroldinger BBS-Rohrbach
Professor Andrew Hayward UCL
Dr. Wim Gorissen AVAG Midwifery Academy Amsterdam Groningen
Prof. Patrik Brundin Van Andel Institute
Mr. Daniel Hagen New York University
Dr. Alexander Bartuschka Klinik Favoriten
Mr. Elias Hasle NTNU
Dr. Linda Smith University of Alberta
Prof. Dr. Gustavo Tomás Diaz Instituto de BiologÃa Celular-Facultad de Medicina-Universidad Nacional de Córdoba,Argentina
Dr. Somorjit Ningombam Directorate of Health Services
Dr Maria Sobczyk University of Bristol
Mr Michael Clark University of Pittsburgh Graduate School of Public Health
Dr. Brenda Raud Netherlands Cancer Institute - Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
Dr Johanna Kilmartin Crafter Medical Centre
Dr Catherine Pound Associate Professor, University of Ottawa
Dr. Numaan Raza Aster CMI
Dr. Alexander Gerz Katholisches Klinikum Koblenz-Montabaur
Mr. Patrick D'Aloisio Patrick D'Aloisio Prof. Corp.
Dr. Saurabhkumar Patel Humber River Hospital
Prof. Athanassios Giannis Leipzig University
Ms Adrienne Hamill BSc Peterborough County
Prof. Vytautas KasiuleviÄius Vilnius University
Ms. Ksenia Kuznetsova Max Plank Institute of Molecular Cell Biology and Genetics
Dr. Mical Raz University of Rochester
Prof. Michael Slavensky Dahl Aalborg University
Dr Karen Robinson University of Nottingham
Dr. Valerio Ferrario Scientist at BASF, Ludwigshafen, Germany
Dr Jarek Oleszczuk Medical University of Lublin (Poland)
Mr. Kyle Blomster University of Rhode Island
Ms Brooke Carroll The Royal Mental Health Centre
MSc pharm Christian Heeboll-Nielsen Ideogen
Investigador Rodrigo Medina Instituto Venezolano de Investigaciones CientÃficas (IVIC)
Mr. Desmond Whyms Foreign Commonwealth and Development Office
Professor Emeritus (epidemiology) Dag S. Thelle Inst. of basic medical sciences, University of Oslo, Norway.
Prof Ben Barr University of Liverpool
Mr Mantas Janaviaius National Cancer Institute
Ms. Eleni Gousios AHS
Professor Tom Little University of Edinburgh
Dr. Marco Coral UDLA Quito Ecuador
Professor Miles Witham Newcastle University
Dr. Andres Sanchez Alberti Universidad de Buenos Aires - CONICET
MD, MSc PH Jurrien Toonen ToonEnHealth
Cllr Piers Allen London Borough of Richmond upon Thames
Mr. Kristofer Roberts UWM/Ascension
Dr Victoria Yorke-Edwards University College London
Prof. Cristina Silva Pereira ITQB NOVA
Prof. James Harris Stanford University
Dr Fabio Silveira CDTO Med
Dr. Patrick Skelton Northwestern University
Prof. Mark van der Giezen University of Stavanger
Dr. Ahmed Hakawi MOH
Professor Gabriele Berg-Beckhoff University of Southern Denmark
Prof. Dr. Alicia Ponte-Sucre Universidad Central de Venezuela
Dr Justin Parkhurst London School of Economics and Political Science
Prof Gul Ergor Dokuz Eylul University Medical School
Dr. Stephen Parmenter retired
Dr. Eberhard Gekeler Private Practice
Dr. Marc Friedli Health 2030, EPFL
Professor Gayle Woodson Southern Illinois University
Dr. Francisca Rivera Casares Conselleria de Sanitat U. (Generalitat Valenciana)
Dr Trevor Medbery UCLA
Mr. Daniel Wagner LMU
Mr Richard Clark Wellcome Sanger Institute
Dr. Joerg Klug JLU Giessen
Associate Professor Thomas Pepper University of Minnesota
Dr Thomas Gasan Leiden Unversity Medical Centre
Prof. Michelle Mello Stanford University School of Medicine & Stanford Law School
Dr. Indranil Mallick Tata Medical Center
Dr. Kyle Fischer University of Maryland School of Medicine
PhD. Max Ringler University of Bern
Dr. Anisha Tandon Sakra World Hospital
Mrs. Caroline Robitaille Universite de Montreal
Dr Jennifer Mitchell Babraham Institute
Ms Bernice Staub Child and Adolescents Psychiatrist
Prof. Abigail Cohen University of Pennsylvania
MSc Laurenz Vock Medical University Vienna
Ms Katherine Moore Rutgers University
Dr Meghan Shirley Children's Hospital of Philadelphia
Mrs Paula Keay Greystone House
Dr. Carsten Kroeger Trinity College Dublin
Dr Gavin Third Royal College of Psychiatrists
Prof. Dr. Michael Hoehle Stockholm University
Lecturer Maria-Pia Politis Mercier HESAV
Mr. Jorge Roman Fundacion Etilmercurio
Dr Jesus Garcia Calleja Private
Dr Marko Kerac London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine
Prof. Andrew Pekosz Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health
Dr Alex Lampen-Smith Bay of Plenty District Health Board
Dr Abigail Ross Fordham University
Dr. Jeremy Green CERN
Dr Glenn Smith Former Honorary Senior Lecturer in qualitative methods
Ms Charlotte Chaloner King's College London
Professor of Molecular Biology Giovanni Cuda Magna Graecia University, School of Medicine, Catanzaro (Italy)
Dr Jarvis Chen Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health
Dr Rachel West Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security
Prof. Werner Albrich Frauenärzte Fünf Höfe
Dr. Wiebke Skeffington Humboldt Universitat zu Berlin, Germany
Drs. Loek Tan ZONBOOG
Dr Tom Williams University of Bristol
Ms Cheryl Paterson University of Exeter
Dr Xin Hui Chan University of Oxford
Dr. Angel Asensio Hospital Puerta de Hierro-Majadahonda. Madrid. Spain
Professor of Medicine Tim Lahey Learner College of Medicine at the University of Vermont
Dr. Charles Wurster University of Alberta
Dr Adam Fletcher University of Dundee
Dr Stuart Carr University of Alberta
Dr Emily Brown NHS
Dr. Chantal Hukkelhoven Wageningen University & Research, the Netherlands
Dr Kate Gregory Auckland District Health Board
Mr. Marie Dam Larsen MoreMedic Sweden AB
Dr Ian Campbell IC Statistical Services,, 22 Bramhall Close, West Kirby, Wirral CH48 8BP - 0151 625 1449 - BMA number: 6710 206
Dr Mina Peter Naguib NIHR/NHS
Professor Andrew Griffiths ESPCI Paris, Universite PSL
Dr. Mario Feitas Public Health Authority (Braga , Portugal)
Mr. Ranu Dhillon Harvard Medical School
Dr John Cowden retired former Fellow of the Faculty of Public Health
Dr. Lauren Peccoralo Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai
Dr Abdelazeem Elhabyan Tanta University Faculty of Medicine
Dr Dina Balabanova London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine
Prof Claudio Mauro University of Birmingham
Dr Ruth Gilmour NHS
Dr Jacqueline Power Cumbria, Northumberland, Tyne and Wear NHS foundation trust
Dr. Dana Goldberg KP
Dr Richard Rovin Aurora Neuroscience Innovation Institute
Assistant Professor Rebecca Christofferson Louisiana State University
Dr. Annegret Pelchen-Matthews University College London
CRNP Marybeth Rizzo Moore Christiana Care
Dr Michelle Pentecost King's College London
Dr Cassandra Lang Monash Health
Dr Aurelio Tobias Spanish Council for Scientific Research (CSIC)
Mr. Marten Silven Eng. Physics, KTH
Dr Jessica Meisner UTSouthwestern
Dr. Anna Daphne Bamidis Helios Universitatsklinikum (Universitat Witten/Herdecke) Wuppertal
Dr. Marcela Cifuentes University of Chile Clinical Hospital
Dr. Seth Trueger Northwestern University/JAMA Network Open
Dr. Warren Parker Public Health and Communication Specialist, Senior Research Fellow, University of KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa
Professor of Pharmaco- and Device Epidemiology Daniel Prieto-Alhambra University of Oxford
Dr. Erin Stewart University of Colorado
Dr. Maria Claudia Stockler de Almeida HC/ FMUSP
Ms. Kelsey Torvik Yale New Haven Hospital
Dr Dayle Maples (Ret) Michigan State University
Dr Rahat Maitland NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde
Dr Alex Beisenherz Private Practice
Dr. Adria LeBoeuf University of Fribourg
RADM USPHS (Ret.) Mitchell Cohen Retired
Dr. Halddry Gonzalez University Hospital of the Andes
Dr. Silvano Molendi INAF
Dr. John Holmes University of Pennsylvania Perelman School of Medicine
Prof. Michael Weissman University of Illinois
Dr Henriette Coetzer Private Practice
Dr. med. Helmut Schoengen Royal Brisbane & Women's Hospital, Australia
Dr. Stacey McKenzie Infectious Diseases/Internal Medicine
Senior Lecturer in Epidemiology, MSc, PhD Luisa Zuccolo MRC Integrative Epidemiology Unit, University of Bristol
Mr Benjamin Jones Stockholm University
Emeritus Professor Ghent University Belgium Ronald Commers Ghent University Belgium
Prof. Colin Davis University of Bristol
Dr Charles Hesdorffer NIH/NHLBI
Mr Dragan Todorovic Kent University
Dr. Preston Bobo Environmental Management, Inc.
Dr. Jonathan Dworkin University of Hawaii
Ms Tracey Broad Cornwall Partnership Foundation Trust
Dr Chiara Di Girolamo Health and Social Care Agency, Emilia-Romagna Region (Italy)
Dr. Leighland Feinman
Dr. George Heckman Schlegel-University of Waterloo Research Institute for Aging
Dr. Jon Vander Woude Trinity Christian College
Dr. Danilo Davi ASP Palermo
Dr Graham Kramer NHS GP
Dr Keith Williams Retired
Dr. Jonathan Davids DriverCheck Inc.
Dr Roberto Hernan SenCell Therapeutics
Dr David Tomlinson University Hospitals Plymouth NHS Trust
Prof. Alison L. Hill Johns Hopkins University
Dr Marija Pantelic University of Sussex
Dr Eva Glud Nordsjællands Hospital, Hillerød
Prof. Dr Ligia Vera UMECIT
Ms. Sarah Weischer Radboudumc, Netherlands
Ms. Marcelo Alves de Souza Bragatte UFRGS
Professor of Hygiene and Preventive Medicine Stefania Boccia UCSC
Dr. Cheryl P. Andam University at Albany, State University of New York
Dr Birgitta Byrenius Mellstrom Sophiahemmet
Ms. Cristina Radu Nicolae Malaxa Hospital
Dr. Judith Lipton Meadowland
Mr. Wolfgang Horak WHMC
Ms Eleanor Furness Aberystwyth University
Mr. Wim Schellekens Strategic advisor, member RedTeam The Netherlands
Dr Tiffany Powell-Wiley National Institutes of Health
Dr. Gary Christenson University of Minnesota
Dr Ana Howarth St George's, University of London
Dr Lorcan Sheppard Healthcare Management Trust
Dr. Siro Trevisanato Sum-Mus Communications
Dr. Amedeo Guzzardella Universite degli Studi di Milano
Mr. Christopher Hennes Emery County EMS
Mrs Katrina Snow North York General
Dr Sarah Horsman Sheldon Centre
Associate Professor Danielle Ompad New York University School of Global Public Health
Dr. Alan Drummond Canadian Association of Emergency Physicians
Professor Emma Allen-Vercoe University of Guelph
Prof. Mag. Dr. MAS Helmut Geroldinger BBS-Rohrbach
Professor Andrew Hayward UCL
Dr. Wim Gorissen AVAG Midwifery Academy Amsterdam Groningen
Prof. Patrik Brundin Van Andel Institute
Mr. Daniel Hagen New York University
Dr. Alexander Bartuschka Klinik Favoriten
Mr. Elias Hasle NTNU
Dr. Linda Smith University of Alberta
Prof. Dr. Gustavo Tomás Diaz Instituto de BiologÃa Celular-Facultad de Medicina-Universidad Nacional de Córdoba,Argentina
Dr. Somorjit Ningombam Directorate of Health Services
Dr Maria Sobczyk University of Bristol
Mr Michael Clark University of Pittsburgh Graduate School of Public Health
Dr. Brenda Raud Netherlands Cancer Institute - Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
Dr Johanna Kilmartin Crafter Medical Centre
Dr Catherine Pound Associate Professor, University of Ottawa
Dr. Numaan Raza Aster CMI
Dr. Alexander Gerz Katholisches Klinikum Koblenz-Montabaur
Mr. Patrick D'Aloisio Patrick D'Aloisio Prof. Corp.
Dr. Saurabhkumar Patel Humber River Hospital
Prof. Athanassios Giannis Leipzig University
Ms Adrienne Hamill BSc Peterborough County
Prof. Vytautas KasiuleviÄius Vilnius University
Ms. Ksenia Kuznetsova Max Plank Institute of Molecular Cell Biology and Genetics
Dr. Mical Raz University of Rochester
Prof. Michael Slavensky Dahl Aalborg University
Dr Karen Robinson University of Nottingham
Dr. Valerio Ferrario Scientist at BASF, Ludwigshafen, Germany
Dr Jarek Oleszczuk Medical University of Lublin (Poland)
Mr. Kyle Blomster University of Rhode Island
Ms Brooke Carroll The Royal Mental Health Centre
MSc pharm Christian Heeboll-Nielsen Ideogen
Investigador Rodrigo Medina Instituto Venezolano de Investigaciones CientÃficas (IVIC)
Mr. Desmond Whyms Foreign Commonwealth and Development Office
Professor Emeritus (epidemiology) Dag S. Thelle Inst. of basic medical sciences, University of Oslo, Norway.
Prof Ben Barr University of Liverpool
Mr Mantas Janaviaius National Cancer Institute
Ms. Eleni Gousios AHS
Professor Tom Little University of Edinburgh
Dr. Marco Coral UDLA Quito Ecuador
Professor Miles Witham Newcastle University
Dr. Andres Sanchez Alberti Universidad de Buenos Aires - CONICET
MD, MSc PH Jurrien Toonen ToonEnHealth
Cllr Piers Allen London Borough of Richmond upon Thames
Mr. Kristofer Roberts UWM/Ascension
Dr Victoria Yorke-Edwards University College London
Prof. Cristina Silva Pereira ITQB NOVA
Prof. James Harris Stanford University
Dr Fabio Silveira CDTO Med
Dr. Patrick Skelton Northwestern University
Prof. Mark van der Giezen University of Stavanger
Dr. Ahmed Hakawi MOH
Professor Gabriele Berg-Beckhoff University of Southern Denmark
Prof. Dr. Alicia Ponte-Sucre Universidad Central de Venezuela
Dr Justin Parkhurst London School of Economics and Political Science
Prof Gul Ergor Dokuz Eylul University Medical School
Dr. Stephen Parmenter retired
Dr. Eberhard Gekeler Private Practice
Dr. Marc Friedli Health 2030, EPFL
Professor Gayle Woodson Southern Illinois University
Dr. Francisca Rivera Casares Conselleria de Sanitat U. (Generalitat Valenciana)
Dr Trevor Medbery UCLA
Mr. Daniel Wagner LMU
Mr Richard Clark Wellcome Sanger Institute
Dr. Joerg Klug JLU Giessen
Associate Professor Thomas Pepper University of Minnesota
Dr Thomas Gasan Leiden Unversity Medical Centre
Prof. Michelle Mello Stanford University School of Medicine & Stanford Law School
Dr. Indranil Mallick Tata Medical Center
Dr. Kyle Fischer University of Maryland School of Medicine
PhD. Max Ringler University of Bern
Dr. Anisha Tandon Sakra World Hospital
Mrs. Caroline Robitaille Universite de Montreal
Dr Jennifer Mitchell Babraham Institute
Ms Bernice Staub Child and Adolescents Psychiatrist
Prof. Abigail Cohen University of Pennsylvania
MSc Laurenz Vock Medical University Vienna
Ms Katherine Moore Rutgers University
Dr Meghan Shirley Children's Hospital of Philadelphia
Mrs Paula Keay Greystone House
Dr. Carsten Kroeger Trinity College Dublin
Dr Gavin Third Royal College of Psychiatrists
Prof. Dr. Michael Hoehle Stockholm University
Lecturer Maria-Pia Politis Mercier HESAV
Mr. Jorge Roman Fundacion Etilmercurio
Dr Jesus Garcia Calleja Private
Dr Marko Kerac London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine
Prof. Andrew Pekosz Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health
Dr Alex Lampen-Smith Bay of Plenty District Health Board
Dr Abigail Ross Fordham University
Dr. Jeremy Green CERN
Dr Glenn Smith Former Honorary Senior Lecturer in qualitative methods
Ms Charlotte Chaloner King's College London
Professor of Molecular Biology Giovanni Cuda Magna Graecia University, School of Medicine, Catanzaro (Italy)
Dr Jarvis Chen Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health
Dr Rachel West Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security
Prof. Werner Albrich Frauenärzte Fünf Höfe
Dr. Wiebke Skeffington Humboldt Universitat zu Berlin, Germany
Drs. Loek Tan ZONBOOG
Dr Tom Williams University of Bristol
Ms Cheryl Paterson University of Exeter
Dr Xin Hui Chan University of Oxford
Dr. Angel Asensio Hospital Puerta de Hierro-Majadahonda. Madrid. Spain
Professor of Medicine Tim Lahey Learner College of Medicine at the University of Vermont
Dr. Charles Wurster University of Alberta
Dr Adam Fletcher University of Dundee
Dr Stuart Carr University of Alberta
Dr Emily Brown NHS
Dr. Chantal Hukkelhoven Wageningen University & Research, the Netherlands
Dr Kate Gregory Auckland District Health Board
Mr. Marie Dam Larsen MoreMedic Sweden AB
Dr Ian Campbell IC Statistical Services,, 22 Bramhall Close, West Kirby, Wirral CH48 8BP - 0151 625 1449 - BMA number: 6710 206
Dr Mina Peter Naguib NIHR/NHS
Professor Andrew Griffiths ESPCI Paris, Universite PSL
Dr. Mario Feitas Public Health Authority (Braga , Portugal)
Mr. Ranu Dhillon Harvard Medical School
Dr John Cowden retired former Fellow of the Faculty of Public Health
Dr. Lauren Peccoralo Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai
Dr Abdelazeem Elhabyan Tanta University Faculty of Medicine
Dr Dina Balabanova London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine
Prof Claudio Mauro University of Birmingham
Dr Ruth Gilmour NHS
Dr Jacqueline Power Cumbria, Northumberland, Tyne and Wear NHS foundation trust
Dr. Dana Goldberg KP
Dr Richard Rovin Aurora Neuroscience Innovation Institute
Assistant Professor Rebecca Christofferson Louisiana State University
Dr. Annegret Pelchen-Matthews University College London
CRNP Marybeth Rizzo Moore Christiana Care
Dr Michelle Pentecost King's College London
Dr Cassandra Lang Monash Health
Dr Aurelio Tobias Spanish Council for Scientific Research (CSIC)
Mr. Marten Silven Eng. Physics, KTH
Dr Jessica Meisner UTSouthwestern
Dr. Anna Daphne Bamidis Helios Universitatsklinikum (Universitat Witten/Herdecke) Wuppertal
Dr. Marcela Cifuentes University of Chile Clinical Hospital
Dr. Seth Trueger Northwestern University/JAMA Network Open
Dr. Warren Parker Public Health and Communication Specialist, Senior Research Fellow, University of KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa
Professor of Pharmaco- and Device Epidemiology Daniel Prieto-Alhambra University of Oxford
Dr. Erin Stewart University of Colorado
Dr. Maria Claudia Stockler de Almeida HC/ FMUSP
Ms. Kelsey Torvik Yale New Haven Hospital
Dr Dayle Maples (Ret) Michigan State University
Dr Rahat Maitland NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde
Dr Alex Beisenherz Private Practice
Dr. Adria LeBoeuf University of Fribourg
RADM USPHS (Ret.) Mitchell Cohen Retired
Dr. Halddry Gonzalez University Hospital of the Andes
Dr. Silvano Molendi INAF
Dr. John Holmes University of Pennsylvania Perelman School of Medicine
Prof. Michael Weissman University of Illinois
Dr Henriette Coetzer Private Practice
Dr. med. Helmut Schoengen Royal Brisbane & Women's Hospital, Australia
Dr. Stacey McKenzie Infectious Diseases/Internal Medicine